Thursday, September 21, 2006

Microserfs - Douglas Coupland

So apparently I read this book three months ago and didn't finish my post about it. I remember enjoying it more than many of his books, especially the parts about the giant lego.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell (Regular Strength Book Club)

This book reminded be very much of Freakonomics. It gave a very interesting, and somewhat research based, look at something we don't look at all that closely: first impressions. I read it quite quickly on a day that I was sick and I plan on rereading it for closer inspection. On first read I tend to take the information at face value but with the second I plan on picking things apart to see if they hold up on closer inspection.

An interesting read that gives new perspectives on gut reactions. My gut reaction was good, let's see what closer examination brings.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Fionavar Tapestry Trilogy - Guy Gavriel Kay

This isn't actually one book, it's three: The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire and The Darkest Road. Since I read them in rapid succession, I only feel the need to write about them once.

I enjoyed the storyline and the characters in Fionavar, but my major complaint is that I just wasn't attached to the five main characters from our world. I didn't feel the connections between them, I didn't feel their pain and I honestly wasn't all that upset when some of them died. I was quite attached to many of the secondary characters though, and that's what kept me reading.

I can remember loving this trilogy when I first read it, but this time I was just left a little cold.