Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Girlfriend in a Coma - Douglas Coupland

I was stuck in a reading rut- bored with my usual fare and the bookclub pace had slowed. At the library I was browsing through the shelves (a rare occasion for me) when I remembered that Devin had mentioned Douglas Coupland at our last book club. I promptly took out two of his books and put another two on hold.

I devoured this novel at record pace, probably due to severe literary dehydration. The concept was interesting. Best friend dies becomes ghost-thing (?). Girlfriend experiences premonition, has sex, goes into coma, is pregnant, premonitions come true. Baby is born, time passes, everyones lives are dull and meaningless. Girlfriend awakes and drama ensues. I wasn't wild about the ending, I found it kind of anticlimactic. I wasn't attached enough to the characters to feel their losses, but I wasn't bored either.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Life of Pi - Yann Martel (Regular Strength Book Club)

I first read this book when it came out in paperback several years ago. If you asked me what I thought I would just say I didn't like it, especially the end which made me feel duped and ripped off.

On second reading I enjoyed much more. The first half of the novel was interesting from both biological and religions points of view, while the second half was more entertaining because I could look for the clues that I missed the first time. I also found the epilogue more comforting this time through.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Monstrous Regiment - Terry Pratchett

This is very likely my most favorite Terry Pratchett novel. The vampire hooked on coffee, troll flirting (smack him between the eyes with a rock, that'll get his attention) and various people being kicked in the sock drawer or being told to stick it up their jumper. What's not to love?

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin

I hate it when authors get going in a complex and involved storyline, introduce a bunch of new characters and barely even mention the old and beloved ones. If it's too big to fit in the book, then damn well make a bigger book, I say. When is the next one out? Soon I hope because book three hooked me.